Mississippi Parks On The Air
April 12 @ 8:00 am - 6:00 pm
As of this writing, there at least 133 reference entities in the POTA database. Not all of them are parks. Only those with “Park” in the name will be used for MSPOTA.
There are twenty-one (21) State Parks in Mississippi, and we need to have most, if not all, of those 21 state parks activated by as many amateur radio operators as possible on the day of the event. This will entail the efforts and cooperation of multiple Mississippi clubs.
Except where noted in this document, POTA rules will apply. See https://pota.app/ for more details. All MSPOTA activators will operate as if they were activating a State Park for POTA. Co-activating is allowed. When activators mail their adi file to the certificate coordinator, please include the co-activators call signs, if applicable.
As in POTA the guidelines, all rules and regulations of the MS State Parks, will be followed. Fees need to be paid where they are required. If you use Pavilions then those need to be reserved and paid for.
Kudos go to the Jackson County Amateur Radio club, and the Area 51 Radio group for their fine cooperation, in making this happen for our State. Special thanks to all the Activators for the State Parks from whatever club or organization they come from, and of course, without all the hunters, this would not be an event!