Current Section Report (July 2024)
SM: Malcolm Keown, W5XX. Section Website at Webmaster: W5UE, ASM: K5DSG, KB5HC, KF8PD, K0UPW, W4WLF, KB5YEE, ACC: W5VMS, PIC: K5RFL, SEC: KC5IMN, ASEC: AA1NA, W5DIX; SGL: AK5J; STM: WV5Q, TC: N5JGK.
SEC KC5IMN reports that Mississippi ARES successfully conducted a comprehensive statewide exercise, “Wildfire Heatwave SET.” This important event was designed to simulate and test emergency communications response capabilities in the face of severe environmental and infrastructure challenges.
There were multiple simulated emergency conditions including wildfires raging across the state, severe drought and prolonged heatwave exacerbating the situation, disruptions to public safety and service communications infrastructure in affected areas, and significant potential damage to private and public property, including threats to firefighting personnel.
Both ARES members and non-member operators participated by providing simulated emergency communications support to public safety agencies and local and state governments. The exercise ran from 8:00 AM to 8:00 PM, on Saturday August 10 with operators engaging in various communication modes including HF, VHF, UHF, analog voice, SSB, and digital voice and data.
Kudos to SEC KC5IMN for organizing this very realistic SET!
From N2PKW in Ocean Springs. The Jackson County Amateur Radio Association is hosting the Jackson County Hamfest 2024 September 7 from 8:00 am to 2:00 pm at the St. Martin Community Center, 15008 LeMoyne Blvd, Biloxi. The public is welcome. A list of vendors and further information can be found at The grand prize is an FT-710 Field HF Radio, with second and third prizes, TYT TH-9800 and NanoVNA. On Friday, September 6 plan on spending an evening with Malcolm, W5XX with, dinner at the Café New Orleans in D’Iberville, with Malcolm as the keynote speaker.
And in additional club Field Day reports …..
Harrison County ARES members (WX5HAR) gathered at the County Courthouse to set up and participate in Field Day Activities. We established two HF stations outside the Courthouse in the Main parking area hoping to attract visitors to Field Day operations. Additionally, ARES
members established an HF Station inside the courthouse in the EOC Radio Room. We experimented with several field antennas including EFHW, a very unique dipole kit called Wind Kit that was very easy to deploy and effective. Overall, the best antenna used was the DX Commander classic. (Thanks to EC WX5RJ for the Harrison ARES info)
The Mississippi Coast Amateur Radio Association, (MCARA) (W5SGL) operated from N5LBZ’s property just north of I-10 and above exit 38. Although there were many folks coming in and out throughout the event, I counted about 30 operators/participants. We had six (6) stations running, three (3) of which worked FT8. Ultimately, we made 412 contacts and apreliminary score of 2148.We had good coverage from WLOX TV. (Thanks to W5SPH for the MCARA FD info).
Alcorn County ARES (ACARES)(W5AWP) operated from the Alcorn County Welcome Center with two stations on the air operating as W5AWP which belonged to the first licensed ham in Alcorn County. The ARES crew arrived and began stringing antennas and setting up generators around 9:00 AM. This has become second nature for ACARES and the Welcome Center staff. The Welcome Center is an evacuation point and ARES can provide communications. We had about a dozen operators taking rotation and pairing up with one logging and one operating the station. There were many travelers that stopped and asked questions about Ham Radio. This is probably ARES’ tenth year at the Welcome Center, so elected officials have us on their calendar to attend and sign the log book. The XYLs provided a great meal of BBQ, chicken, and pizza which had us all filled up and happy. There was lots of conversational activity after the great feast. I am afraid this feast caused us not to have an all-night operation. About midnight all were worn down and packed up. (see for a photo) (Thanks to K5WHB for the Alcorn ARES FD info)
The Tupelo ARC (TARC)(K5TUP) operated from Tombigbee State Park. We participated on Saturday Morning-Afternoon with 2 stations, one on 20m and the other on 40m. Before the official start of Field-Day, we worked POTA as our location was in POTA: US-2553. We were having intermod problems, so our contact count was low as we could only work one station at a time. Approximately 20 people attended. KB5YJG, our past club president, cooked hot-dogs and hamburgers and then made his famous home-made ice cream with peaches and strawberries!!! The early arrivals did most of the work setting everything up. KG5ERY, club president, and WJ5K made quick work of the antenna set-ups. (Thanks to W5BAQ for the TARC FD info)
The Northeast Mississippi Radio Amateurs (NEMRA)(W5NEM) operated from the Itawamba County EOC in Fulton staying on for the full 24-hours. This year, we set up two stations: one dedicated to voice communication and the other operating FT8, making around 444 total contacts. Classes were given on antenna building, deployment, and FT8 operations. NEMRA utilized several power sources during the event including commercial mains, solar, and generator. Ten members took turns operating the stations to ensure continuous operation throughout the event. We were visited by several community members, local ham operators, and the mayor. Although we reached out to a few local media outlets, they did not make an appearance. (Thanks to K5YMB for the NEMRA FD info).
JARC President AK5J reports that Hams from the Jackson Amateur Radio Club and Vicksburg Amateur Radio Club assisted with communications for the Soul City Cycling Summer Sizzler Bike Ride on July 13. There were more than 200 bike riders in this event. Hams were placed at all rest stops and major intersections and gave progress reports and reported any problems. The event was very well organized and went very smoothly. The ride officials were very complimentary of the Hams, and the help they provided. Hams participating were K5XU, K5KKD, AK5J, N5KLT, AC5Z, W5VMS, AE5SK, KI5UTO and K5CID as well as several CAP Cadets from Vicksburg using GMRS radios.
In EC Reports from around the state …
AEC K5FIT reports from Rankin County that the CMSARES Winlink Net is open 24/7 for check ins. In addition to check ins from people in central MS, they have a daily check in from NJ and a regular check in from Harrison Co. The K5FIT Winlink gateway had a radio upgrade that should make connections and data transfers faster.
EC KF5WVJ advises that DeSoto County ARES set up for Field Day in their Comm Trailer. They made several contacts, but as usual, had issues with the bands not willing to cooperate. Everyone had a good time and had good food in spite of the heat.
From Carroll County AEC KG5RRF reports that he installed 120-watt amp on their repeater.
George County EC KG4VVZ notes that the Biloxi UHF DMR is installed and online, both RF and internet.
From Hinds County EC KB5SQZ reports that on July 20, about a dozen members met at the Natchez Trace Overlook to practice portable setups and POTA activations. Visitors were encouraged to become amateur operators and to join us for future events.
From Warren County EC W5VMS (and two eager CAP Cadets) worked with the Jackson Amateur Radio Club (JARC) to provide communications support for the Soul City Cycling Sizzler Race. The southern two-mile portion of the race, before participants entered the Natchez Trace Parkway, was covered using GMRS radio, proving once again that service can augment and extend the amateur radio communication footprint for community events.
Pearl River County EC AB6Z reports that ARES members are training on ICS forms and Skywarn training.
From Lauderdale County EC KB5EZJ advises that ARES tested their portable station getting ready for the SET next in August.
Attached for your information below is the current status (updated from last month) of known upcoming Ham events in and around Mississippi:
- EMCOMM Checkin on 3862, 6:00 PM, September 5
- Jackson County Hamfest, September 7, POC: N2PKW
- ARRL Day in the Park, Oct 5, Old Trace Park, Ridgeland, POC: AK5J
- Capital City Hamfest, Jan 31 – Feb 1, 2025, Trademart, Jackson, POC: AK5J
- Mississippi QSO Party, April 5-6. 2025, POC: W5XX
And on the national level the ARRL digital system has been partially down since Mid-May. As a result, there is no information available on New Hams in Mississippi, Upgrades, or New ARRL Members.
SEC/DEC Reports for July 2024: KC5IMN (SEC), KD4VVZ (Gulf Coast), and W5VMS (West Central MS) and KF5WVJ (NW MS).
EC Reports for July: K5DSC (Newton), WJ5ES (Adams), AE5FK (Walthall), NI5I (Perry), N5LOK (Webster), N5MIS (Pontotoc and Chickasaw), WX5RJ (Harrison), KG5RRF (AEC)(Carroll), AA5SG (Jones), KG5SQZ (Hinds), KB5SZJ (Lauderdale), K5TCO (Lowndes), W5VMS (Warren/Claiborne), KD4VVZ (George), KF5WVJ (DeSoto), AB6Z (Pearl River), and KB5ZEA (Attala).
Congratulations to K5TCO who completed the ARRL Basic Communications Course.
KB0ZTX, former Mississippi DEC and EC, recently retired and moved to Oklahoma. Ken checked in with W5XX and said he is now EC for Rogers County. Mississippi’s loss is Oklahoma’s gain.
Club Newsletters (Editor): the Meridian ARC Spark Gap (W5MAV)
Regret to report the passing of the following Mississippi Hams …
KA5ICO of Houston. Bobby was the longtime manager of the Magnolia Section Net and Emergency Coordinator of Chickasaw County. He was very dedicated to his family, a lifelong serving worker in First Baptist Church in Houston, a 35-year member of the Houston Volunteer Fire Department retiring as Captain, and active in just about every community function in Houston. To quote Bobby’s obituary on his philosophy ‘Some fish, hunt, or play golf. My hobby is service. I enjoy trying to make things better, happier, safer, and more prosperous for others.’
N5ZNT of Bogue Chitto. Jeffery was ‘Mr. Fix it’ in the Ham Community. He served as DEC for Southwest Mississippi and EC for Lincoln County. Jeffery was the first section appointment made by W5XX up on becoming SM in 1998.
KR1MRG of Saucier. Keith joined the United States Air Force at 17 and retired in 1974 with the rank of Major. After retiring from the Air Force, he pursued a career in insurance and financial services. Keith served several local churches as a music minister and volunteer in children’s ministries, after first accepting Jesus as his Savior at 10 years old. Reflecting on his time teaching children, he once said “I learned a whole lot more than the kids”. Since he was a child, Keith loved technology and radios. During the past year he found great friendship in Harrison County ARES.
K5ERB or Brandon. Early on Erbie enlisted in the United States Air Force where he was a chief mechanic on F-4D fighter jets. Later he joined the Mississippi Air National Guard where he served as a flight engineer on C-130 and C-141 cargo aircraft. Outside of his military service, he worked at Pruet Production Co. and RAPAD Drilling and Well Servicing Company as corporate pilot and Vice President of Safety before retiring in 2016…
Erbie was involved with serving others as an elder, deacon, and Bible class teacher most of his life at North Brandon Church of Christ. Also, he was a very active member and served in several leadership roles in the Central Mississippi Amateur Radio Association; the Jackson Amateur Radio Club; and the Scott County Amateur Radio Club.
HF Net Reports – sessions/QNI/QTC (Net Manager)
Magnolia Section Net 31/1230/8 (KF5BA)
MS Baptist Hams Net 3/17/0 (WF5F) Sunday, 7263 at 4PM
MSPN 31/2382/20 (W5JGW)
Pine Belt ARC 10M Net 4/18/0 (K5TLL)
VHF Net Reports – sessions/QNI/QTC (Net Manager)
Bluff City ARC EMCOMM Net 5/83/0 (WJ5ES)
Capital Area Em Net 4/47/0 (K5XU)
Central MS ARES 9/208/0 (KD5SQZ)
Chickasaw/Choctaw ARES Net 3/30/0 N5MIS)
Delta ARA Net 1/4/0 KG5RRF) 1 Em Op
DeSoto County Training and Information Net 5/91/0 (KF5WVJ)
George County ARES 4/42/0 (KD4VVZ) 2 Em Op
Jackson ARC Net 5/49/0 (K5XU)
Lowndes County ARC 5/58/0 (K5TCO)
Meridian Area EM net 5/19/0 (KB5SZJ)
Mississippi Coast ARA 5/142/0 (N5GQ)
NE MS Skywarn WX Net 5/46/0 W5BAQ)
Pearl River ARES Net 4/25/0 (AB6Z) 1 Em Op, 1 Skywarn Net
Pine Belt ARC 2M Net 4/47/0 (K5TLL)
Pine Belt ARC 2M Simplex Net 1/6/0 (K5TLL)
Pontotoc ARES Skywarn 4/18/0 (N5MIS)
South Central MS ARES Net 5/71/0 (AA5SG)
Vicksburg ARC/MLEN 4/78/0 (KG5YEE)
Walthall County ARES 3/59/0 (AE5FK)
Webster County ARES 1/10/0 (N5LOK)
Digital Net Reports
Central Mississippi ARES Digital Net 4/36/31 (KI5JCL)
(2 VHF nets and 2 HF nets)
East MS EMCOMM Net 31/307/154 (K5TCO)
K5FIT WL2K Hybrid Gateway – 109 connections to pass traffic.
MS WL2K Net QNI 99 by 7 stations (K5FIT)
Traffic: WV5Q 60, AE5MI 40, and W5XX 11
PSHR: WV5Q 180, AE5MI 106 and W5XX 81