During 2023 the ARRL will be holding a year-long special event activity recognizing ARRL volunteers. Each state will have two, seven day periods for hams in the state to get on the air signing as W1AW/x (x=the number of the state’s call area. i.e. Mississippi stations will be signing W1AW/5). More information about the ARRL event can be found on the ARRL VOTA Web Page.
Mississippi’s first week was March 29th – April 4th and coordinated by Larry Morgan, AG5Z. The next Mississippi week will be November 15th – November 21st 2023 and it will be coordinated by Randy Becnel, W5UE. If you are a Mississippi ham and would like to participate as an activator you MUST contact the state coordinator. Mississippi Section Manager, Malcolm Keown, W5XX can be contacted for any general questions. All MS hams are encouraged to participate.
VOTA Mississippi Useful Links
- Operating Guidelines for 2023 VOTA Activators
Activators strongly encouraged to read the above link.
- Live, Real-time schedule of W1AW/5 MS activations
Once the MS November week begins this link will show who/when/where W1AW/5 in Mississippi is active for those wanting to work us. Please note there is a link for each day at the top of the displayed form.